
IRC for Coders

Simple IRC BotNet

It doesn't matter if you are a sysadmin or a hacker, if your budget is low and you are looking for a free way, maybe this tutorial will come in handy .In this tutorial I will use Freenode IRC network, as IRC client MIRC and a simple old bot written in C .

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Happy Birthday chain!!

Happy 60th Birthday to our very own chain. May your day be filled with love and family OLDMAN!!!

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How do I connect to rooms using IRC Client?


order to authenticate an account on the Chat Network using an IRC client, you first must create an account and join a room with it using the web chat. Then you can connect with your IRC client and authenticate using the following structure.

on ^*:logon:*: {
.raw USER $me $me $me : My Connection
.raw LOGINH <email address> <password in md5 format>

ircWx using % in room names. ie: %#channelname. ircWx also supports spaces in channel names. Spaces are replaced by \b in IRC Clients. ie: %#My\bChannel

cd2 is for basic connections. cd1 requires a socket connection and edits to localwrite

ircWx uses [style] codes. You can strip them with the following regsubex

$regsubex($1-, /\[(?:style\x20.*?|/style)\]/gi,$null)


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