;Proxy & Socks Scanner by independent with nice dialogs & statistics.
;Will be updating this script from time to time.
;Thank you about keeping credits to me, the creator of this script.
;Skype independentt911 - /server irc-1.iownyour.biz +6697 -j #unix
dialog proxystudio {
title "Proxy Studio v1.5 by independent"
size -1 -1 719 627
option pixels
tab "Scanner", 2, 1 -1 709 629
box "Configuration", 58, 549 221 166 140, tab 2
box "Proxy to test", 4, 6 33 147 576, tab 2
edit "Add proxy here", 5, 12 51 138 552, group tab 2 multi return autohs autovs vsbar limit 999999
radio "Connect Proxys", 6, 156 43 100 18, tab 2
radio "Socks 4 ", 7, 156 67 100 18, tab 2
radio "Socks 5", 8, 156 91 100 18, tab 2
button "Start Scanning", 9, 262 41 98 70, tab 2
box "Sockets", 10, 152 117 208 98, tab 2
text "Open:", 11, 156 133 190 16, tab 2
text "Working Proxys:", 12, 156 155 192 18, tab 2
edit "", 14, 616 239 90 20, tab 2
text "Test on IP", 15, 558 242 55 16, tab 2
text "One thread each ", 16, 555 298 89 16, tab 2
edit "200", 17, 646 297 40 20, tab 2
box "Debug", 18, 164 217 382 404, tab 2
edit "Scan OUTPUT", 19, 172 235 304 378, tab 2 read multi vsbar limit 999999
link "www.pastebin.com/u/independentt", 46, 343 1 184 18, tab 2
button "Stop scanner NOW!", 59, 364 41 108 74, tab 2
text "Protocol", 64, 154 26 102 18, tab 2 center
button "Clear", 69, 475 236 65 369, tab 2
box "Blacklist Scanner", 70, 481 46 192 172, tab 2
text "Proxies filtered out", 71, 488 71 166 17, tab 2
text "Filter proxy before scanning ", 72, 489 99 168 38, tab 2
check "ENABLE", 73, 504 113 100 17, tab 2 left
button "Edit Blacklist", 74, 488 147 176 56, tab 2
text "on PORT", 61, 558 263 55 17, tab 2
edit "6667", 62, 616 263 47 20, tab 2
text "Channel to join proxys", 68, 553 317 141 17, tab 2
edit "unix", 75, 576 335 57 20, group tab 2 center
text "MS", 76, 688 298 29 17, tab 2
button "Close all Connections", 13, 365 124 105 90, tab 2
tab "Working Proxys", 20
box "Connect Proxys", 21, 165 33 168 580, tab 20
box "Socks 4", 22, 334 35 170 580, result tab 20
box "Socks 5", 23, 507 36 194 580, result tab 20
edit "", 24, 172 53 154 512, result tab 20 multi return autohs autovs vsbar limit 999999
edit "", 25, 338 53 162 518, result tab 20 multi return autohs autovs vsbar limit 999999
edit "", 26, 513 59 182 516, result tab 20 multi return autohs autovs vsbar limit 999999
button "Save", 27, 166 576 66 24, tab 20
button "Save", 28, 336 576 64 26, tab 20
button "Save", 29, 510 576 64 26, tab 20
link "www.pastebin.com/u/independentt", 45, 310 1 194 18, tab 20
button "Clear", 36, 575 577 64 26, tab 20
button "Filter", 37, 639 576 50 26, tab 20
button "Clear", 38, 400 576 66 26, tab 20
button "Filter", 39, 465 577 36 26, tab 20
button "Clear", 40, 231 576 66 24, tab 20
button "Filter", 41, 296 576 34 24, tab 20
box "Stats", 43, 15 28 146 290, tab 20
text "Total Proxys Scanned:", 44, 22 55 132 70, tab 20
text "Total Valid Proxys:", 48, 20 129 136 82, tab 20
text "Connection Errors:", 49, 18 219 136 92, tab 20
box "WHOIS tool", 65, 7 316 148 308, result tab 20
edit "", 66, 15 334 121 20, tab 20
button "Whois IP", 67, 35 354 65 25, tab 20
box "WHOIS info", 79, 12 389 137 229, tab 20
edit "", 80, 15 413 130 159, result tab 20 multi return hsbar
tab "Proxy files And Leecher", 30
link "www.pastebin.com/u/independentt", 47, 328 3 176 16, tab 30
text "This will scan the selected proxy lists from *.txt or *log (CHOOSE PROTOCOL BEFORE)", 31, 2 266 266 30, tab 30
button "Scan multiple IP:PORT files", 32, 2 299 142 49, tab 30
radio "Connect Proxy", 33, 148 299 100 16, tab 30
radio "Socks 4", 34, 148 314 100 16, tab 30
radio "Socks 5", 35, 149 331 100 18, tab 30
box "MASS SCANNER", 42, 0 251 269 108, tab 30
box "Proxy Leecher (Choose Protocol and Save File Before Leech)", 50, 270 25 412 572, tab 30
edit "http://www.live-socks.net/2018/03/17-03-18-socks-5-servers-7180.html ", 51, 283 102 384 434, tab 30 multi return autohs autovs hsbar limit 999999
button "Leech", 52, 373 73 66 24, tab 30
button "Save", 53, 440 74 64 24, tab 30
button "Clear", 54, 504 73 64 24, tab 30
button "Load list", 55, 309 73 64 24, tab 30
box "Stats", 56, 0 45 140 205, tab 30
text "Number of Leeched lists:", 57, 5 153 128 92, tab 30
text "Number of Leechable Sites:", 60, 5 79 126 66, tab 30
menu "File", 1
item "Stop Scan And Close Connections", 63, 1
item "Exit Scanner", 3, 1
item "About ME", 77, 1
item "Get more proxies and socks", 78, 1
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:9:{
hadd -m proxyset max $did(proxystudio,5,0).lines
.timerSCLICK -om $hget(proxyset,max) %interval pxys
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:6:{
hadd -m proxyset ext pxy
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:7:{
hadd -m proxyset ext s4
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:8:{
hadd -m proxyset ext s5
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:33:{
hadd -m proxyset ext2 pxy
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:34:{
hadd -m proxyset ext2 s4
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:35:{
hadd -m proxyset ext2 s5
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:37:{
filterdiag 26
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:39:{
filterdiag 25
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:41:{
filterdiag 24
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:36:{
cleardiag 26
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:38:{
cleardiag 25
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:40:{
cleardiag 24
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:58:{
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:59:{
.play stop
.timer* off
did -a proxystudio 19 Stopped Scanner threads. $crlf
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:menu:63:{
did -a proxystudio 19 Stopped Scanner threads and Closed all Connections. $crlf
.play stop
.timer* off
sockclose *
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:menu:3:{
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:menu:77:{
echo -a `*******************************************************************************************
echo -a `* Proxy studio v 1.5 by independent *
echo -a `* 12https://sourceforge.net/projects/proxy-studio/ *
echo -a `* Contact Skype: independentt911 \ IRC: /server irc-1.iownyour.biz +6697 *
echo -a `* DONATE BITCOIN: 3BUo4RT2kSiWFGM6ckUxwhwbSvnp76UEEC *
echo -a `*******************************************************************************************
did -a proxystudio 19 $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 Proxy studio v 1.5 by independent $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 https://sourceforge.net/projects/proxy-studio/files/latest/download?source=typ_redirect $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 Contact Skype: independentt911 \ IRC: /server irc-1.iownyour.biz +6697 $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 DONATE BITCOIN: 3BUo4RT2kSiWFGM6ckUxwhwbSvnp76UEEC $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 $crlf
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:menu:78:{
run https://www.pastebin.com/LtKn7qvh
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:69:{
cleardiag 19
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:52:{
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:54:{
cleardiag 51
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:55:{
loadbuf -oi proxystudio 51 leech.txt
did -a proxystudio 60 Number of Leechable Sites: $lines(leech.txt)
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:53:{
savebuf -oi proxystudio 51 leech.txt
did -a proxystudio 60 Number of Leechable Sites: $lines(leech.txt)
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:62:{
write leech.txt $did(proxystudio,61) $CRLF
loadbuf -oi proxystudio 51 leech.txt
did -a proxystudio 60 Number of Leechable Sites: $lines(leech.txt)
alias sortnumber {
return $iif($1 > $2, 1, $iif($1 == $2,0,-1))
alias filterdiag {
filter -iocsa proxystudio $1 proxystudio $1 sortnumber
alias cleardiag {
did -r proxystudio $1
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:27:{
%name = Valid.Proxys. $+ $ticks $+ .txt
savebuf -o proxystudio 24 %name
run %name
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:28:{
%name = Valid.socks4. $+ $ticks $+ .txt
savebuf -o proxystudio 25 %name
run %name
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:29:{
%name = Valid.socks5. $+ $ticks $+ .txt
savebuf -o proxystudio 26 %name
run %name
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:68:{
hadd -m proxyset max $did(proxystudio,24,0).lines
hinc -u5 proxyset inc
if ($hget(proxyset,inc) < $hget(proxyset,max)) { resolve $gettok($did(proxystudio,24,$hget(proxyset,inc)),1,58) | goto loop }
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:32:{
if ($hget(proxyset,ext2) == pxy) selectmultiplefile
if ($hget(proxyset,ext2) == s4) selectmultiplefiles4
if ($hget(proxyset,ext2) == s5) selectmultiplefiles5
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:17:{
did -a proxystudio 19 Interval changed to $did(proxystudio,17) $CRLF
set %interval $did(proxystudio,17)
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:14:{
set %def.s $did(proxystudio,14)
did -a proxystudio 19 IRC server changed to $did(proxystudio,14) $crlf
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:13:{
sockclose *
did -a proxystudio 19 Closed all connections. $crlf
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:10:{
did -a proxystudio 19 Proxys added to scan: $did(proxystudio,10).len $crlf
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:75:{
did -a proxystudio 19 Channel to load proxys/socks $chr(35) $+ $did(proxystudio,75) $crlf
set %def.c $chr(35) $+ $did(proxystudio,75)
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:edit:62:{
did -a proxystudio 19 Port to load on changed $did(proxystudio,62) $crlf
set %def.p $did(proxystudio,62)
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:38:{
hadd -m proxyset max $did(proxystudio,5,0).lines
.timerSCLICK -om $hget(proxyset,max) %interval pxys
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:67:{
cleardiag 80
resolve $did(proxystudio,66)
on 1:dialog:proxystudio:sclick:74:{
RUN NOTEPAD $scriptdirblacklist.txt
alias pxys {
hinc -u5 proxyset inc
if ($hget(proxyset,ext) == pxy) || (!$hget(proxyset,ext)) sc4n $did(proxystudio,5,$hget(proxyset,inc))
if ($hget(proxyset,ext) == s4) s4.scan $did(proxystudio,5,$hget(proxyset,inc))
if ($hget(proxyset,ext) == s5) s5.scan $did(proxystudio,5,$hget(proxyset,inc))
alias -l htmlfree {
var %x, %i = $regsub($replace($1-,<td>,$chr(32),<tr>,$chr(20),<br>,$chr(20)),/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x, )
return %x
ALIAS DEF.p { %z = $r(0,1) | if (%z) return %def.p | else return 6667 }
ALIAS DEF.S { return %def.s }
alias getiphost2 {
%var = /\b((?:(?:[a-z]+)\.)+(?:[a-z]+)[: ]\d{2,5})\b|\b((?:(?:(25[1-5]|2[1-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d))\.){3}(?3)[: ]\d{2,5})\b/i
if $regex(ip,$remove($1-,$chr(9)),%var) {
return $replace($regml(ip,1),:,$chr(32))
alias leech {
if (!%interval) %interval = 20
did -a proxystudio 19 $timestamp * Now leeching proxy-lists over the web. $crlf
set %site.max $lines(leech.txt)
set %site.inc 0
inc %site.inc
.timer 1 $calc(%site.inc /2) urlget.test $read(leech.txt,%site.inc)
if (%site.inc < %site.max) goto go
else { halt }
alias urlget.test {
var %url = $1
var %id = $urlget(%url,gf,leech $+ $ticks $+ .html,urlget.callback)
alias urlget.callback {
var %id = $1
did -a proxystudio 19 url $urlget(%id).url $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 redirect $urlget(%id).redirect $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 method $urlget(%id).method $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 type $urlget(%id).type $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 target $urlget(%id).target $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 alias $urlget(%id).alias $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 id $urlget(%id).id $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 state $urlget(%id).state $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 size $urlget(%id).size $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 resume $urlget(%id).resume $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 rcvd $urlget(%id).rcvd $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 time $urlget(%id).time $crlf
did -a proxystudio 19 reply $urlget(%id).reply $crlf
if ($urlget(%id).type == binvar) {
write leech $+ $ticks $+ .html $bvar($urlget(%id).target,1- $+ $bvar(&target,0)).text
alias pxx { did -a proxystudio 19 Leeching...saving to: $getsource($read(leech.txt,$1)) %interval ms $crlf | did -a proxystudio 57 Number of Leeched lists: %site.inc }
alias getURL {
noop $regex($1,/(((http(s)?\72(\57{2}))|(www\56{1}))+(\w*)+(\56{1})+(\w{2,3})\S*)/Sig))
return $regml(1)
alias sc5nfile { s5.scan $1- }
alias sc4nfile { s4.scan $1- }
alias sc4n {
hadd -m proxyset filtered $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1-2,46) $+ *
if ($read($scriptdirblacklist.txt,w,$hget(proxyset,filtered),1)) && ($did(proxystudio,73).state) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $2 FILTERED/BLACKLIST Proxy $crlf | hinc -m proxyset filter | did -a proxystudio 71 Proxies filtered out: $hget(proxyset,filter) $CRLF | return }
if (*.*.*.* iswm $1-) && ($1 != x) && ($2) {
if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $2 Already in list, halted scan. $crlf | return }
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $1 $2 $crlf
sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $1 $2
if ($getiphost2($1-)) {
if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1,32) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $+ : %+ $2 Already in list, halted scan. $crlf | goto next }
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-) $crlf
sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $getiphost2($1-)
goto next
if (*.*.*.* !iswm $1-) goto next
if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) Already in list, halted scan. $crlf | goto next }
alias setinterval {
%interval = $?="Enter interval in milliseconds, 1 to 10000 "
if (!$!) || ($! >= 10000) goto restart
on 1:START:if (!%def.s) defaultset
alias defaultset { %interval = 200 | %def.s = | %def.p = 6667 | %def.c = #unix }
alias scan.win { inc %scan.start | if (%scan.start == 1) defaultset | if (%interval == $null) setinterval | if ($window(@proxyscan) == $null) { window -e @proxyscan | window -e @sock4 | window -e @sock5 } }
alias selectmultiplefile { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE PROXY FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /pxyfile $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
menu * {
[-Proxy Studio-]: dialog -m proxystudio proxystudio
alias pxy return ValidProxy.txt
alias abord { play stop | .timerleech off | .timerpl.* off | sockclose *scan* | sockclose *fl* | .timer*scan* off | hfreepxy | hfrees4 | hfrees5 }
on *:INPUT:@Proxyscan:{
if ($getiphost2($1-)) {
hadd -m proxy pxy $+ $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1,32) $getiphost2($1-)
.timerscanfile -om 1 1 .pxyfile temp %interval
if (!$getiphost2($1-)) && ($wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)) sc4n $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)
alias hfreepxy { hfree proxy }
alias hfrees4 { hfree socks4 }
alias hfrees5 { hfree socks5 }
alias sk {
set -u1 %chkk $read($pxy,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ *)
if (!%chkk) && (*9* iswm $1) write $pxy $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
on *:sockopen:scan*:{
hinc -m proxyset total
did -a proxystudio 44 Total Proxys Scanned: $hget(proxyset,total)
hinc -u120 proxyset open
did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name
if ($sockerr > 0) { hinc -m proxyset conerr | did -a proxystudio 49 Connection Errors: $hget(proxyset,conerr) | hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name | did -a proxystudio 19 $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Error ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) $crlf }
sockwrite -tn $sockname CONNECT $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p HTTP/1.1 $crlf
sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf
sockmark $sockname $ticks
did -a proxystudio 19 $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Connecting ... $crlf
alias success {
did -a proxystudio 19 $1- $crlf
sk $1
alias allpxy return ALL.txt
alias portclose { sockclose $1 }
on *:SOCKREAD:scan*:{
sockread %fld
if (!$sock($sockname).mark) || ($sock($sockname).mark == c) sockmark $sockname $ctime
if (*http*200* iswm %fld) {
did -a proxystudio 24 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $crlf
hinc proxyset work
did -a proxystudio 12 Working Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
did -a proxystudio 48 Total Valid Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
sox $sockname
success * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port WORKING! Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) ms
sockmark $sockname $ctime
on 1:sockclose:scan*:{ hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name | did -a proxystudio 19 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. $crlf }
alias pb return did -a proxystudio 19
alias scanfile { sc4n $iif($getiphost2($1-),$getiphost2($1-),$2) }
alias pxyfile {
if ($1 != temp) .timer -o 1 6 play -a scanfile @proxyscan $1 $2
else {
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning $hfind(proxy,*,0,w) Proxys with %interval $+ ms interval to %def.s $crlf
.timerSCANpxy -om $hfind(proxy,*,0,w) %interval scann pxy
alias scann {
if ($1 == pxy) {
hinc -mu2 count hinc2
sc4n $hget(proxy,$hfind(proxy,*,$hget(count,hinc2),w))
.timerscanfileoff 1 5 .hfreepxy
if ($1 == s4) {
hinc -mu2 count hinc3
s4.scan $hget(socks4,$hfind(socks4,*,$hget(count,hinc3),w))
.timerscanfileoffs4 1 5 .hfrees4
if ($1 == s5) {
hinc -mu2 count hinc4
s5.scan $hget(socks5,$hfind(socks5,*,$hget(count,hinc4),w))
.timerscanfileoffs5 1 5 .hfrees5
alias s5.scan {
hadd -m proxyset filtered $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1-2,46) $+ *
if ($read($scriptdirblacklist.txt,w,$hget(proxyset,filtered),1)) && ($did(proxystudio,73).state) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $2 FILTERED/BLACKLIST Proxy $crlf | hinc -m proxyset filter | did -a proxystudio 71 Proxies filtered out: $hget(proxyset,filter) $CRLF | return }
if (!$1) goto END
if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $gettok($1,1,58) $+ : $+ $gettok($1,2,58) Already in list. $crlf | goto END }
if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $1 $2 $crlf
elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-) $crlf
alias selectmultiplefiles5 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK5 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s5file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
alias selectmultiplefiles4 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK4 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s4file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
alias s4.scan {
hadd -m proxyset filtered $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1-2,46) $+ *
if ($read($scriptdirblacklist.txt,w,$hget(proxyset,filtered),1)) && ($did(proxystudio,73).state) { did -a proxystudio 19 $1 $2 FILTERED/BLACKLIST Proxy $crlf | hinc -m proxyset filter | did -a proxystudio 71 Proxies filtered out: $hget(proxyset,filter) $CRLF | return }
if (!$1) goto END
if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { did -a proxystudio 19 $gettok($1,1,58) $+ : $+ $gettok($1,2,58) Already in list $crlf | goto END }
if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $1 $2 $crlf
elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-) $crlf
on *:sockopen:s5chk*:{
hinc -m proxyset total
did -a proxystudio 44 Total Proxys Scanned: $hget(proxyset,total)
if ($sockerr) { hinc -m proxyset conerr | did -a proxystudio 49 Connection Errors: $hget(proxyset,conerr) | did -a proxystudio 19 Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) $crlf | return }
hinc -m proxyset total
did -a proxystudio 44 Total Proxys Scanned: $hget(proxyset,total)
hinc -u120 proxyset open
did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name
.bset &bvar5 1 5 1 0
.sockwrite -n $sockname &bvar5
.bunset &bvar5
on *:sockread:s5chk*:{
if ($sockbr) { return }
.sockread &bsocks5
if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) != 5 0) { return }
if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) == 5 0) && ($bvar(&bsocks5,3) != 0) {
sockmark $sockname $ticks
bset &socks5 1 5 1 0 1 $replace($def.s,.,$chr(32)) $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46)
.sockwrite -n $sockname &socks5
.bunset &socks5
hinc proxyset work
did -a proxystudio 48 Total Valid Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
did -a proxystudio 12 Working Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
did -a proxystudio 26 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $crlf
sox $sockname
suces5 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) $+ ms
on *:sockread:idle*:{
sockread %idle
if ($gettok(%idle,1,32) == PING) { sockwrite -nt $sockname PONG $gettok(%idle,2,32) | sox $sockname }
if (*nospoof* iswm $gettok(%idle,1,32)) { sockwrite -n $sockname NOTICE $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) :NOSPOOF | sox $sockname }
if ($gettok(%idle,2,32) == 451) { sockwrite -nt $sockname PONG $gettok(%idle,2,32) | sox $sockname }
alias sox {
sockwrite -nt $sockname CAPS LS
if ($hget(socket,$1)) return
hadd -mu30 socket $1 true
sockwrite -n $1 NICK PoPVPN_Tk_ $+ $r(0,99999999)
sockwrite -n $1 USER P_r_o_x_y 0 0 :x " $+ $sock($1).ip $sock($1).port "
sockwrite -n $1 JOIN %def.c
sockrename $1 idle $+ $r(0,999999999999999999)
on 1:SOCKREAD:chks5*:{
sockread %socks5
if ($chr(5) isin $gettok(%socks5,1-3,32)) {
alias suces4 { did -a proxystudio 19 *work $1- $crlf | sk4 }
alias suces5 { did -a proxystudio 19 *work $1- $crlf | sk5 }
alias sk4 {
set -u3 %rady $read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
if (!%rady) write sock4.txt $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
alias sk5 {
set -u3 %redy $read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
if (!%redy) write sock5.txt $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
on *:sockopen:s4chk*:{
hinc -m proxyset total
did -a proxystudio 44 Total Proxys Scanned: $hget(proxyset,total)
if ($sockerr) { hinc -m proxyset conerr | did -a proxystudio 49 Connection Errors: $hget(proxyset,conerr) | did -a proxystudio 19 * Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) $crlf | return }
did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name
sockmark $sockname $ticks
.bset &bvar4 1 4 1 $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46) $replace($def.s,.,$chr(32)) 0
.sockwrite $sockname &bvar4
.bunset &bvar4
ON *:SOCKREAD:s4chk*:{
.sockread &bsocks4
if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) != 90) { echo 4 @sock4 Bad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port return $bvar(&bsocks4,2-) | return }
if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) == 90) {
did -a proxystudio 25 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $crlf
hinc proxyset work
did -a proxystudio 12 Working Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
did -a proxystudio 48 Total Valid Proxys: $hget(proxyset,work)
sox $sockname
suces4 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark)) $+ ms
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s5*:{ hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name | did -a proxystudio 19 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. $crlf | return }
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s4*:{ hdec proxyset open | did -a proxystudio 11 Open: $sock(*,0).name | did -a proxystudio 19 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. $crlf | return }
alias scans4file { s4.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
alias s4file {
if ($1 != temp.s4) .timer -o 1 6 play -a scans4file @sock4 $1-
else {
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning $hfind(socks4,*,0,w) Socks4 with %interval $+ ms interval to %def.s $crlf
.timerSCANs4 -om $hfind(socks4,*,0,w) %interval scann s4
alias scans5file { s5.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
alias s5file {
if ($1 != temp.s5) .timer -o 1 6 play -a scans5file @sock5 $1-
else {
did -a proxystudio 19 Scanning $hfind(socks5,*,0,w) Socks5 with %interval $+ ms interval to %def.s $crlf
.timerSCANs5 -om $hfind(socks5,*,0,w) %interval scann s5
alias resolve {
hadd -m resolve ip $1
sockopen resolve.ip_ $+ $r(0,89999) ipinfo.io 80
on *:sockopen:resolve.ip*:{
var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname
var %b = / $+ $hget(resolve,ip)
%a GET %b HTTP/1.0
%a Host: ipinfo.io
%a User-Agent: ProxyStudio by independent
%a Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
%a Connection: keep-alive
%a Referer: http://www.iplocation.net/
%a Origin: http://www.iplocation.net/
%a $crlf
on *:sockread:resolve.ip*:{
sockread %sockread
if (!$sockbr) return
if (*Hostname*:* iswm %sockread) did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf
if (*ISP*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
if (*Country*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
if (*City*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
if (*org*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
if (*loc*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
if (*region*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
if (*postal*:* iswm %sockread) { did -a proxystudio 80 %sockread $crlf }
goto read