mIRC Spotify Now Playing
; spotify now playing script
; written by Aaron Blakely <aaron@ephasic.org>
; Requires spotify.dll, get it here: http://www.tg007.net/dls/file/1460
; Put spotify.dll in your mIRC directory.
on *:START: {
timer -o 0 1 setnp
alias spotifynp {
; used for including this np in your own scripts
; not much other use, change the format here or do some
; string opperations in your own alais, to extract the data.
; ~ Aaron
return $dll(spotify.dll, song,) - $dll(spotify.dll, artist,)
alias setnp {
if (%lastnp != $spotifynp) {
set %lastnp $v2
clipboard $v2
alias np {
; change the format if you desire.
; artist: $dll(spotify.dll, artist,)
; song: $dll(spotify.dll, song,)
; Will add support for others soon.
; ~ Aaron
me is listening to ' $+ $dll(spotify.dll, song,) $+ ' by $dll(spotify.dll, artist, ) on Spotify.
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