
IRC for Coders


HydraIRC is an IRC client for windows. HydraIRC is released under GNU GPL v3 license
Submitted by Chain Saturday, 3 October 2020 IRC Scripts 0 Comments


The project has been dormant from around 2009 to 2014, by moving the code to github and changing the license to GPL3
it is hoped that people will contribute to the project.

Themes and Color schemes for your viewig pleasure
MDI interface; for hardcore chatting in many different places
Many a tools for IRC veterans
Being yourself is boring. Get yourself a ton of identities and switch as you please
Automate'em'all! Make on-join scripts to automate regular tasks (like login?)
Advanced events and notifications
And all in all many different gadgets you wouldn't think you ever needed in an IRC client but it is implemented ANYWAYS
Lightweight. Uses no RAM at all; When tested at its absolute breaking point 15.6 MB of RAM usage was recorded by VS

(Total votes: 1)

File Author: Surena karimpour (sudo_halt )'s
File Version: 0,3.204
File Added: Saturday, 3 October 2020
Last Updated: Saturday, 3 October 2020
File Size: 2.61 MB
Downloads: 13

Comments 0